Brazil Hosts Nonprofit Leaders for Weeklong Training


A group of 12 nonprofit leaders participated in the Ford 92Y International Fellowship


SALVADOR, Brazil — Nonprofit leaders across Brazil gathered in Salvador, Bahia, for the Ford 92Y International Fellowship program. The 12 program participants were immersed in five days of training, participating in workshops with international experts and discussions surrounding issues related to the sector. The group also visited the Ford plant in Camaçari and were introduced to the Ford Education Program for Young People, conducted at SESI, and the Odontomóvel Project, which is serving students of the Joana Angélica School.


"The 92Y Ford Fellowship program in Brazil addresses important issues and provides crucial social impact resources to strengthen local communities," said Joe Avila, community development manager, U.S. and Latin America, Ford Motor Company Fund.


This Fellowship is the result of a partnership between Ford Motor Company Fund, the philanthropic arm of Ford — and 92Street Y, a center of art and innovation that fosters creativity and develops exceptional programs that promote the growth of people throughout their lives. By the end of the program, participants will have joined a network of colleagues who work in similar issues and challenges in Brazil and are a part of the biggest global network of Ford fellows. So far, 345 people from 74 countries have participated in the Ford 92Y International Fellowship.

a demonstration

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