Feeding Hope: Dare to Care Food Bank Serves Kentuckiana Communities

"We served Bulgogi, a Korean barbecue dish, and his face just lit up," said Chef Teresa from Dare to Care Food Bank in Louisville. "And soon, all the other children were asking, 'Can we try that too?'." She was describing a time she served a dish that tasted like home to help comfort a young student who was without his older siblings for the first time, a memory that continues to inspire her work today.


Dare to Care Food Bank is committed to providing nutritious meals and helping everyone access the food they need to thrive in 13 Kentucky and Indiana counties. For over 20 years, Dare to Care has prioritized serving fresh, hot meals to children through their Kids Cafe, distributing up to 26,000 meals a week in the summer and 23,000 meals a month during the school year.


Understanding Culture Through Food


According to Chef Teresa White, Executive Chef at Dare to Care, developing empathy in children starts with food. "By offering meals that are familiar to children from immigrant, refugee, or diverse backgrounds, we not only provide a sense of familiarity but also introduce other children to understand different cultures," she said.


This year marked Chef Teresa's seventh anniversary with Dare to Care, where she began in Partner Development before stepping back into the kitchen to pursue her passion for serving the community with respect and hope. With over 15 years as a healthcare chef and experience in the U.S. Army, working with Dare to Care feeds her soul. Believing everyone, including veterans, deserves a dignified life, she says, "I feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose here every day, just like in the military."


Scaling Diverse Menus that Spark Joy


As a recipient of Ford's Mobility Innovation Grant, Dare to Care doubled their kitchen equipment, allowing them to serve 48 sites this summer and reach 5,600 more students. This upgrade allowed the Dare to Care team to spend more time with the kids, gather feedback, and create new, culturally diverse menus that expand students' tastes and spark joy.


Taking Action to End Hunger


While the Kids Cafe is Dare to Care's number one priority, they have seven other critical programs that give seniors, families, and individuals access to healthy foods every day. To support Dare to Care's mission, visit their website to find ways to volunteer and donate. With Hunger Action Month coming up this September, the Dare to Care team invites Ford employees and community members to turn your town and social media feeds orange to show support for ending hunger.



About Dare to Care Food Bank

Dare to Care Food Bank, a Ford Mobility Innovation Grant recipient, expands their impact in 13 Kentuckiana counties this summer.