Ford Next Generation Learning


A Ford Fund signature program, Ford Next Generation Learning uses the power of workplace relevance with business and community relationships to excite and inspire young people about their education. Ford Next Generation Learning offers opportunities for students to learn by doing with professionals in fields of their choice.

Ford Next Generation Learning is nationally recognized for its innovative community-driven approach to transforming high school learning by directly linking traditional academics and skill development with potential real-world careers. Ford Next Generation Learning uses a proven model of career academies – small, rigorous learning communities within high schools – that concentrate on specific areas of student interest, such as engineering, design, healthcare, manufacturing or marketing. Key to the program’s success is a coordinated approach to learning that engages local businesses, educators, families and community leaders – drawing on their valuable expertise to identify local needs, while seeking their input as programs are developed and implemented.


Ford Next Generation Learning has created a network of communities across the United States and recently expanded to the United Kingdom. The goals of Ford Next Generation Learning communities include increased academic achievement, higher graduation rates, lower dropout rates, improved college success, a sharper focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math), a highly skilled talent pipeline for local businesses and enhanced community prosperity for all.

To learn about additional ways Ford Fund supports education, click here.


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