Ford Philanthropy: Showing Up in Times of Need

75 Years Ford Philanthropy Celebrating 75 Years of Impact to the left of four males in suits and ties standing in a conference room all with fingers holding a negotiable size check

Good neighbors step up when their communities need them most and throughout its 75-year history, Ford Philanthropy's commitment to strengthening communities and building a better world has never wavered – even through the toughest of times.

Four suited males look on as Henry Ford II signs a check for the American Red Cross.


•    Ford Motor Company Fund (now Ford Philanthropy) was established during a period of recession and economic decline. When Henry Ford II observed that traditional sources of financial support for nonprofits were beginning to fade after World War II, he created the company's philanthropic arm in 1949 to help fill the void and bolster funding for organizations that were providing much-needed services and support to communities. 


Five people in line getting Coleman gas stoves and gas canisters under a Ford CENTRO DE MOVILIDAD SOCIAL pop-up tent with numerous others and staff in the background near other tents.

•    The need to support and uplift communities is particularly urgent during the hours, days and weeks following a natural disaster. Ford Philanthropy has been committed to supporting worldwide disaster relief and recovery since 1999, when a catastrophic earthquake struck Turkey and Ford deployed vehicles, volunteers and other lifesaving aid in the region. Some of the first major projects of the Ford Volunteer Corps supported relief efforts following an earthquake and tsunami in Southeast Asia and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. 

Two Team Rubicon persons and three Ford Volunteer Corps personnel carry away tree portions from among many downed trees.


•    Building on more than 25 years of support for disaster response organizations across the U.S. and around the world, Ford and Ford Philanthropy expanded their relationship with veteran-led disaster relief organization Team Rubicon in 2023 and launched Team Rubicon Powered by Ford – a multi-year initiative that includes vehicle donations, a philanthropic investment and an employee volunteer program. The investments help expand Team Rubicon's ability to provide no-cost services to vulnerable communities in the wake of the growing number of disasters and crises.


•    While others ended philanthropic support during the global financial crisis in 2008, Ford Philanthropy remained steadfast in its efforts to fight food insecurity, provide scholarships and support cultural and educational initiatives that help people and communities move forward and upward.


•    During the COVID-19 pandemic, when the company began producing ventilators and personal protective equipment in partnership with the UAW, Ford Philanthropy led an effort to donate over 120 million medical-grade masks to nonprofits, first responders and local organizations in all 50 states. The philanthropy also directed more than $3 million in emergency funding to nonprofits and led an employee donation match program that raised more than $1.1 million to support the COVID relief efforts of 47 community organizations in 20 countries.


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