Halewood Grant Proposal Opportunity 2024 and 2025

Grant Proposals


In January, Ford Philanthropy (previously known as Ford Fund), the philanthropic arm of Ford, working with their international grant-making partner GlobalGiving, announced a £1 million investment to the end of 2025 to support Halewood and the wider Liverpool city region. As part of this investment, Ford Philanthropy and GlobalGiving are seeking to support two to three additional non-profits in 2024 and in 2025 with one-time grants towards programs that help people and communities move forward in the following impact areas:

  • Essential Services  For a community to thrive, basic needs must be met. Programs that provide access to food, transportation, healthcare, and other critical services help to eliminate barriers to community wellbeing and development. 
  • Education for the Future of WorkWe are living through a period ofhistoric technological changewhere the skills and competencies needed to obtain and retain jobs are evolving rapidly, leaving many individuals behind. Our on-the-ground partnerships provide the next generation of leaders from under-resourced and underrepresented communities with access to training, education programs and resources that help prepare young people (aged 14+) for the future workplace. For example scholarships to empower future STEM professionals, workforce training or career readiness that mobilizes educators and employers to prepare career pathways through skills building and hands on learning experiences. 

  • EntrepreneurshipDue to systemic barriers to financial resources and investments, members of under-resourced and underrepresented communities have difficulty starting and growing small businesses that result in economic growth. Our programs connect entrepreneurs with access to capital, mentorship, and training – to diversify the pipeline of entrepreneurs, prioritizing but not exclusive to the creation of mobile businesses that expand access to essential goods and services. 

Please take a look at our website www.fordphilanthropy.org which provides more insight into the types of programs we support in these impact areas.


Non-profits can submit their proposals (using the jotform form link Grant Proposal Form ) for a grant of up to $75,000. Should the proposal be selected by the Ford Philanthropy and GlobalGiving selection committee, the application will then be referred to GlobalGiving who will initiate their grant making process. As part of the grantmaking process, you will be required to complete a due diligence application – more information on GlobalGiving‘s grant process can be found hereFor more information on requirements for due diligence, please refer to this link GlobalGiving Due Diligence Guide. Please note it is recommended to review the GlobalGiving requirements prior to submittting a proposal to check if your non-profit will be able to successfully complete the grant process. 


Non-profits based in Halewood or the wider Knowsley borough can put forward proposals as well as non-profits within the wider Liverpool city region whose services will support community beneficiaries within Halewood and Knowsley. In 2024 proposals will be accepted from 29th July to 20th September 2024 and in 2025 from 30th July to 19th September. Proposals submitted outside these time periods will not be considered. If your proposal is selected to be referred to GlobalGiving, you will be notified by them by 11th October 2024 or by 10th October 2025 respectively.



One-time grants will be provided up to $75,000. Grant proposals should be made on the jotform (Grant Proposal Form). You are also required to attach a budget breakdown as per the template shown within the jotform proposal form. Simply follow the onscreen instructions and press "submit" to send in your proposal. 


Grants CANNOT be provided to:

  • Individuals 

  • Local Authorities, Councils, Government and Government Departments 

Grant proposals from the following organisations will be considered:

  • Registered charities/non-profits organisations

  • Educational organisations, school, colleges (Non-fee paying, state sector schools only)

 Grant Funding Guidelines


Grants funds CAN be considered if intended to support:

  • Direct program expenses 

  • Asset purchases (this can include limited contributions to capital expenditure items (e.g. furniture, equipment, computers)

  • Staffing expenses

  • Indirect administrative expenses

Grant funds CANNOT be considered if intended to support:

  • General running costs

  • Major building works

  • Sponsorship or advertising

  • Research

  • Religious projects; Political projects

  • Purchase of vehicles

There is a budget template within the proposal form where you are asked to provide a high level breakdown of your estimated use of grant funding. 







Grant proposals accepted via jotform

29 July – 20 Sept 

30 July – 19 Sept

GlobalGiving informs you your grant proposal was selected

11  October

10 October

GlobalGiving grant process and due diligence checks begin (please note this can take up to 8 weeks depending on how quickly your organization responds)

18 October

17 October

If you are successful, assume your likely grant spending period would be within this time frame

Dec 2024 – Dec 2025

Dec 2025 – Dec 2026









Still have questions? Email dchennel@ford.com.