How Hispanic Federation and Ford Fund Drive Collective Impact

The observance of Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to our country's history, heritage and culture. Ford Fund has been supporting Hispanic communities across the U.S. and throughout Latin America for more than 40 years. Before the celebrations come to a close this year, we would like to spotlight our longstanding partnership with Hispanic Federation.


Founded in 1990, Hispanic Federation has been serving the most vulnerable members of the Hispanic community and advocating nationally to scale social services in education, health, immigration and economic empowerment.

Partner spotlight for Together for Progress


Fighting Hunger: Lucha Contra el Hambre


To address food insecurity in the communities it serves, Hispanic Federation runs Lucha Contra el Hambre, an annual hunger relief campaign supported by the Ford Fund. Since its inception in 2011, Lucha Contra el Hambre has distributed more than 1,000,000 meals to Latinos living in some of New York’s most underserved neighborhoods. Over the years, the initiative has expanded nationally, providing 100,000 meals for families in communities throughout Central Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania each year. During the holiday season, Hispanic Federation travels around New York and Central Florida using Transit Connect vans, donated by Ford Fund, to pick up and deliver non-perishable food collected by employee associations, clubs, and individuals.

Man giving orange bags to woman
Lucha contra el hambre campaign

Improving Educational Opportunities: CREAR Futuros


To improve the pipeline for higher education, Hispanic Federation launched the CREAR Futuros (College Readiness, Achievement and Retention) peer mentorship program, which was developed for Latinx students by Latinx students with support from the Ford Fund. Mentors assist mentees with tutoring, financial aid, and resources available to them including, services offered by Hispanic Federation's community-based member organizations. Today, CREAR Futuros is operating in eight colleges across three states including New York, Connecticut, and Florida. Since its inception in 2012, the program has provided support and training to about 8,000 students.

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