Our work: Essential Services

We partner with local community organizations and nonprofits to expand access to food, healthcare, transportation and other critical services.

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This is what we do…making it possible for everyone to participate in the economy at such a level that there is growth.

Priscilla Perkins

President and CEO, Accounting Aid

Why We Support

Access to food, healthcare, transportation and other critical services are interconnected. The lack of just one of these can have a cascading and devastating impact on a person, a family and a community.

Fewer obstacles and limits

A group of volunteers working outside

Disaster Relief


More and more people are impacted by natural disasters around the world. We work with aid organizations to help impacted communities prepare, respond and rebuild.

Some boxes with donations

Food Security


Demand for food is at an all-time high. We collaborate with local organizations to develop mobility solutions that reduce barriers to nutritious foods and pantry staples.

A girl getting her eyes checked at a mobile center

Mobile Health


Through unique partnerships with healthcare providers, we invest in solutions that deliver services directly to people who need them.

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Food insecurity does not discriminate, and neither do we. Our reach spans every zip code in our service area.

Vincent E. James Sr.

President and CEO of Dare to Care Food Bank in Louisville, KY

Ford Community Centers

Our Ford Community Centers around the world bring nonprofits, residents and community leaders together to expand access to essential services, education and economic opportunities. In Detroit our nonprofit partners provide free food distribution, legal assistance, income tax preparation, skills training, job placement and other essentials tailored to unique community needs.
Ford resource and engagement center

Our Essential Services Partners Include

  • american red cross logo
  • feeding america logo
  • team rubicon logo
  • United Way logo